More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Communities Thriving VISTA

OCC is seeking Communities Thriving VISTA members to serve across Ohio. Please view this listing for additional details and to submit your application.

For questions regarding these positions or the Communities Thriving VISTA contact Stephanie Dodd.

IKONC (Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and North Carolina, pronounced “iconic”) is a consortium of state civic engagement organizations based in higher education with the goals of educating students for active citizenship and partnering with communities for positive change. The four organizations are Community-Engaged Alliance (IN), Kentucky Campus Compact, Ohio Campus Compact, and North Carolina Campus Engagement. The IKONC organizations have partnered together to create the Communities Thriving VISTA project, which seeks to place VISTA members with nonprofit organizations in order to address poverty-related issues and create positive community outcomes. Communities Thriving VISTA members will serve with a local agency and work with community groups to benefit low income individuals and families.

Eighteen Communities Thriving VISTA members will contribute to the goals of the project by performing activities such as providing access to healthy food, planning job training and financial literacy, building mentoring programs for first generation college students, and organizing communities to help people move out of poverty over the course of three years.

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