Recent election law changes make Ohio college students vulnerable to voter disenfranchisement. Help protect your fellow students by acting as a nonpartisan Election Protection Poll Monitor this year! Poll Monitors assist all voters outside of polling locations, answer questions, and report problems to the Election Protection hotline. This is a volunteer, non-partisan role. Training and materials will be provided after registration.
Register NowOhio
- HB 458 – 2023 Elections and Beyond: Explanation of new voter ID laws in Ohio
- National Association of Social Workers Ohio Chapter: Social Workers in Ohio can earn CEU’s by working the polls
- Ohio’s Directives for the 2023 Voter ID Changes
- Ohio’s Printable Absentee Ballot Application
- Ohio Secretary of State
- Ohio Voter Rights Coalition Resources
- ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge: Find Action Plan Development guidance and Action Plan Examples
- Civic Influencers: Paid opportunity for young people to engage their peers in democracy
- Campus Vote Project’s State Voting Guides
- Election Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE, a great resource for voting questions such as do I need an ID to vote early?
- Common Cause’s Election Protection (and more) toolkit
- Guides.vote: Nonpartisan voter guides that show where candidates stand
- Power the Polls: Sign up to be a Poll Worker
- Voting Guide for First Time Voters from Student Training & Education in Public Service (STEPS)
- 80+ Resources for Student Voters from College Consensus