More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Director of the Regula Center Univ of Mount Union

November Member Feature: Abby Honaker Schroeder, Director of the Regula Center for Public Service and Civic Engagement at the University of Mount Union

An interview with  Abby Honaker Schroeder, Director of the Regula Center for public Service and Civic Engagement at the University of Mount Union At the heart of Ohio Campus Compact’s AmeriCorps VISTA programs are the people that dedicated a year of service to our campuses. For some of our VISTA members, that year stretched into … Read more

Campus Compact Announces Fund for Positive Engagement Winners

Ohio Campus Compact congratulates our members Marietta College and The College of Wooster for receiving an award. 40 institutions to receive funding from Campus Compact to bridge divides on campuses and in communities.​BOSTON, Mass. – September 11, 2017 – Campus Compact, a Boston-based non-profit organization working to advance the public purposes of higher education, has … Read more

September Guest Blog: Nonprofit Leadership at Youngstown State University

Greetings from Youngstown State University! I consider this a great honor to serve as a guest blogger for Ohio Campus Compact (OCC), and share some of our great work in the Center for Nonprofit Leadership at YSU. An even greater honor was receiving the 2017 David Hoch Memorial Award for Excellence in Service awarded by … Read more