More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

17th annual Imagining America conference

The conference is a space where publicly engaged artists, designers, scholars, students and culture workers come together for a three-day immersive experience. The 2017 conference will feature an opening plenary session celebrating IA's new partnership with UC Davis, a plenary session led by Randy Martin Spirit Award recipient and 2016 MacArthur Fellow Anne Basting, and ... Read more

McDonough Leadership Conference

This national event brings together undergraduate and graduate leadership students from many different institutions. There is no registration fee to attend this conference. Because of generous corporate sponsorships, we are able to offer this conference to all participants free of charge. Plus, most meals are covered during the conference. Student delegations are responsible for travel ... Read more

Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education

The sixth annual Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education will be held on April 16-18, 2019. This three-day event brings together a diverse and vibrant community of educators, researchers, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and policymakers dedicated to accelerating improvement in education.

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