More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

IUPUI 2020 Assessment Institute: Leading Improvements in Higher Education

We invite you to join us for the 2020 Assessment Institute to be held virtually, October 25-28, 2020.  For 2020, we are pleased to offer complimentary registration to attend the virtual Assessment Institute, including our Pre-Institute workshops on Sunday, October 25, to all members of the higher education community.  This is our way of supporting colleagues who are ... Read more

14th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education

Transforming Conflict and Crisis to Justice and Hope: An Initiative for Peacebuilders Virtual Conference (WebEx and Zoom Technology) Submit a workshop proposal! Deadline: August 31, 2020 Call for Proposals (docx format) Call for Proposals (pdf format) Planning Committee and Event Sponsors Conference Planning Committee Roster (pdf) Special thanks to our event Sponsors and Partners (pdf) Program Schedule Friday, Saturday & ... Read more

Virtual College Leadership Summit

A free two-day summit to engage college students in critical reflection on the topics of social justice, human rights, and inclusion, presented by the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center

Improvement Science in Practice: Finding Solutions Through Iterative Testing

Register by January 7 When faced with a gap between the status quo and desired outcomes, improvers pursue change. Improvement science brings discipline to your change efforts and helps you to recognize progress as your work moves forward.   Improvement Science in Practice: Finding Solutions Through Iterative Testing provides a deep dive into the “learning by ... Read more

Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program: Tressie McMillan Cottom

Tressie McMillan Cottom is an award-winning author, researcher, educator, and cultural critic whose work has been recognized nationally and internationally for the urgency and depth of her incisive critical analysis of technology, higher education, class, race, and gender. She was recently named a 2020 MacArthur Fellow. The foundation for McMillan Cottom's first book, Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise ... Read more

More Than Fragility: A Deep Dive into Understanding & Dismantling Whiteness

Do you identify as a white leader in a nonprofit or philanthropic organization? Are you managing or engaging in DEI/race equity initiatives, or interested in learning more about how this work connects to your identity and role as an ally for racial justice in your organization/community? If so, we hope you will join us for a ... Read more

Building Pro-Black Institutions and Movements

This webinar for multi-racial participants aims to disrupt the ways anti-Blackness shows up in organizations and communities. The facilitated workshop will involve interactive exercises and an experiential dialogue using historical and contemporary information, self-reflection, institutional analysis, visioning, and collective action planning. A key learning objective of this training is for participants to be more equipped ... Read more