More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Pen to Paper Writing Retreat

Indiana Campus Compact is pleased to be partnering with Nazareth College and New York Campus Compact to present the 2017 Pen to Paper Writing Retreat. The Retreat will take place November 9 – 11, 2017 on the campus of Nazareth College in Rochester, New York. Attendance is for this intensive Retreat is limited in order ... Read more

Ohio River Valley Addiction Research Consortium 1st Annual Conference

Northern Kentucky University is hosting the 1st annual Ohio River Valley Addiction Research Consortium  (ORVARC) conference to provide a forum for sharing addiction research from across the region, and an opportunity for discussion of collaborative opportunities across institutional and disciplinary boundaries. The theme for this year’s inaugural conference is Evidence based research on Neonatal Abstinence ... Read more

Crisis on Campus: Addressing the Rising Mental Health Demands of our Nation’s Students

Increasing numbers of students are seeking mental health services, but the demand is outstripping our nation’s universities’ capabilities to deliver the care they need. The result can often be long-wait times or in some cases, unavailability of services. Continued tragic events on campus only serve to reinforce the need for expanded services. As a nation, ... Read more

PROPEL Ohio Collegiate Leadership Summit

Propel Ohio is a leadership program that promotes civic engagement and inspires undergraduate students to grow into civic leaders in Ohio. The Propel Ohio program includes a one-day statewide conference in the fall and five regional gatherings in the winter and spring. Propel Ohio 2017 will actively engage with college students on issues that affect ... Read more

Charting a Course on the Pathway to Community Engagement: An Inventory and Action Plan for Engaged Campuses

Eager to help your institution deepen civic learning and community engagement efforts?  Join us in beautiful Vancouver, WA, just north of Portland, OR, for a two-day Institute to review your current efforts and build strategy for the future. You will receive your institution's results of a comprehensive inventory of current practice and infrastructure, benefit from personal ... Read more


Presented by the Greater Cincinnati Service-Learning Network. Community engagement has deep roots in higher education. But over the last 40 or so years, it has been reimagined with more structure, including principles and pedagogy for service learning. As the ideas took hold, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching created its Community Engagement Classification ... Read more


To support academia’s ongoing commitment to community engagement and engaged scholarship, academic libraries are building networks between partners internal and external to the campus community. Librarians are relationship builders for their campuses and recognize the value of building essential, foundational community partnerships. Academic libraries support community engagement by: * facilitating community engaged research activities and ... Read more

Civic Action Plan – What Have We Learned?

 Utah Campus Compact was the first Campus Compact affiliate to achieve full adoption of the Civic Action Statement by all of its member institutions. In preparation, UTCC offered a Civic Action Planning Institute in February 2016 that kick started the civic action planning process for eight campuses. This webinar will provide an opportunity for participants ... Read more

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Communication Program

Our J.E.D.I. Communication Program provides the foundational framework for the individual and systemic transformational change needed to create just and equitable workplaces and communities. Beginning with our signature Transformational Communication (TC) Workshop, this eight-week program includes support for participants to deepen their understanding and implementation of the theory, tools and practices taught during the training. ... Read more