More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

6th Annual Service Engagement Summit

The Service Engagement Summit from Indiana Campus Compact is our signature event which provides faculty, students, administrators, and their community partners the opportunity to hear the brightest speakers, participate in thought provoking workshops, and create programming that will leave a lasting impact on our neighbors for years to come.

IMPACT National Conference

The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest national gathering of student leaders, administrators, faculty, and nonprofit staff committed to engaging students in service, activism, politics, advocacy, and other socially responsible work. This event continues and builds on the legacy of the COOL National Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, spanning an incredible 32+ year history.

Ripple Effects Mapping Webinar

Are you looking for a great way to document the impacts of your community engagement efforts? Ripple Effects Mapping (REM) uses elements of Appreciative Inquiry, mind mapping, and qualitative data analysis to engage program participants to reflect upon and map the intended and unintended changes produced by a complex program or collaboration. Scott Chazdon, an evaluator ... Read more

NE Ohio Propel Regional Gathering

As a follow-up to the annual Propel Ohio Leadership Summit on Nov. 17th Ohio Campus Compact invites you to come together to continue the dialogue around Childhood Poverty: food security, inequities in education and homelessness. We suggest that you attend the Regional Gathering in your area, but you may attend any Gathering that fits your ... Read more


Campus Compact Webinar on Housing Insecurity and Homelessness

 This session is designed for faculty to discuss the best practices to support students in the classroom. Access instructions below, you must use Zoom to join the webinar: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or Telephone: Dial: US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923; Meeting ID: 403 809 328

Equity and Inclusion for the 1% (not THAT 1%): Student Veterans in Higher Education

Description: Campus Compact Mountain West has been working with member campuses on an initiative called SECond Mission:Service|Education|Careers, an effort to support access to and success in higher education for Veterans and military-affiliated students. Though only 1% of Americans serve in the armed forces, college and university campuses have a robust population of students affiliated with the ... Read more

The Agora Project Webinar

CCMW invites you to join us for the March 2018 Agora Project conversation. The Agora Project is a space for conversations that begin with a single question to explore. We'll learn from one another, encourage different ways of thinking about a question, and deepen our work through dialogue with one another. Anyone is welcome to ... Read more