More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Campus Compact Webinar on Housing Insecurity and Homelessness

 This session is designed for faculty to discuss the best practices to support students in the classroom. Access instructions below, you must use Zoom to join the webinar: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or Telephone: Dial: US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923; Meeting ID: 403 809 328

Equity and Inclusion for the 1% (not THAT 1%): Student Veterans in Higher Education

Description: Campus Compact Mountain West has been working with member campuses on an initiative called SECond Mission:Service|Education|Careers, an effort to support access to and success in higher education for Veterans and military-affiliated students. Though only 1% of Americans serve in the armed forces, college and university campuses have a robust population of students affiliated with the ... Read more

The Agora Project Webinar

CCMW invites you to join us for the March 2018 Agora Project conversation. The Agora Project is a space for conversations that begin with a single question to explore. We'll learn from one another, encourage different ways of thinking about a question, and deepen our work through dialogue with one another. Anyone is welcome to ... Read more

Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education

Imagine a future in which systematic learning to improve is occurring every day in thousands of settings. The education field could become an immense networked improvement community. The Carnegie Foundation’s Summit on Improvement in Education strives to catalyze and support such a future. Next year’s gathering promises to bring together the best minds in education, ... Read more

AAC&U Webinar: Redesigning Majors

Redesigning Majors: Disciplinary Knowledge, Civic Learning, and Public Responsibility Cost: Free for AAC&U members; $100 for nonmembers

McDonough Leadership Conference

This national event brings together undergraduate and graduate leadership students from many different institutions. There is no registration fee to attend this conference. Because of generous corporate sponsorships, we are able to offer this conference to all participants free of charge. Plus, most meals are covered during the conference. Student delegations are responsible for travel ... Read more

MT Campus Compact Community Building Institute

Series begins April 10 Held twice per year, the Community Building Institute series offers participants intentional, proven approaches to community entry, needs assessment, and ultimately creates high impact, community-driven programs and initiatives.The CBI is based on the community-building framework, or "6 steps," that are used as a model to undergird sustainable community development initiatives. The ... Read more

Engaging Immigrant Communities Webinar

Description: Immigration is a national hot topic. During this webinar members of the Cal State East Bay community will share the responsive programs they created to engage the immigrant community and develop positive relationships across difference. In 2014, when a surge in the number of unaccompanied minors immigrating to the United States from Central America ... Read more

5th Global Service-Learning Summit

The 5th Global Service-Learning Summit, to be held at the University of Notre Dame, seeks to create a space for active listening and critical dialogue between secular and faith-based organizations that are committed to co-educating and collaborating for social change and that wish to recover and re-examine the values which underlie the work.