More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Community Conversation: What Can We Do About the Opiate Epidemic?

The Center for Civic Life at Ashland University, the Mental Health and Recovery Board of Ashland County, and the Ashland County Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse are sponsoring a community conversation April 21 to follow up February’s public forum on the serious issue of “What Can We Do about the Opiate Epidemic.” The event, ... Read more

Inaugural Conference on Community Theater for Social Justice Action

Our goal is to bring together theater practitioners, community activists, and inclusion-driven community members who share a commitment to social justice. We aim to use theater as a tool to strategize for effective social justice in our society. Our focus is to engage the concerns of and give voice to historically marginalized communities. We understand ... Read more

Innovation in Higher Ed Webcast

Higher education has a reputation as being resistant to change and innovation. While no doubt true of some institutions and some individuals in higher education, colleges and universities have a long tradition of experimentation and are now innovating now in a variety of ways. With traditional economic models and student demographics changing, colleges that don’t ... Read more

Iowa Campus Compact Engaged Campus Awards and Summit

11:30 am to 1:00 pm Engaged Campus Awards Luncheon Connecting our campuses and our communities in challenging (and changing) times We live in challenging and changing times. Major disruptions in our economic, social and political structures have led to questions about the purpose and meaning of many of our institutions including our colleges and universities. ... Read more

IUPUI Research Academy

Registration is now open for the 2018 IUPUI Research Academy.  This intense, interactive 2 ½ day workshop is designed to develop research skills, learn about methods and service learning literature, and develop a research project related to service learning.  This year’s Research Academy will begin at 1:30pm on May 9th and conclude at 12:30pm on ... Read more

Voices of Hunger on Campus: Meaningful Change Together

Building on last year's Voices of Hunger event at Bunker Hill Community College and other regional campus food insecurity initiatives in Southern New England, this summit will bring together campus staff, faculty, and community partners from across the region to share and highlight work on campuses, provide tools and resources, and identify opportunities to collaborate ... Read more

Seminar in Curriculum Development for International Service-Learning

Join colleagues from around the country in beautiful and historical Quito, Ecuador for a training seminar on how to integrate students’ international service-learning opportunities with your curriculum. As a faculty member or administrator, you will gain: Extensive knowledge – theories and practice – of service-learning pedagogy and curriculum development A first-hand look at how international service-learning ... Read more