More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Cambio de Colores

Cambio de Colores is a multistate conference about integration of immigrants in new destinations. People from various fields who work with Latinos and immigrant communities come together to share research and best practices that facilitate the integration of newcomers.

2018 Civic Learning & Democratic Engagement Meeting

The American Democracy Project (ADP), The Democracy Commitment (TDC), and NASPA are committed to advancing the civic engagement movement in higher education. Join us in Anaheim, California for our annual conference which brings together faculty, student affairs professionals, senior campus administrators, students and community partners. Together we will ensure that students graduate from our colleges ... Read more

8th Annual Student Affairs Assessment and Research Conference

Are you interested in learning how to improve your assessment skills and exploring cutting edge research on the student experience? Join us for the 8th annual Student Affairs Assessment and Research Conference (SAARC) on Friday, June 8, 2018, at The Ohio State University. This year's theme will be Giving Voice: Designing Inclusive Assessment, and we are very excited ... Read more

2018 Global EPICS Symposium and Workshop

EPICS is an engineering-based, service-learning approach to multi-disciplinary design where student teams address needs within their local and global communities. Founded at Purdue University, EPICS has been integrated into the curricula at 42 universities and colleges. EPICS in IEEE, a signature program of IEEE, empowers students to work with local service organizations by applying technical ... Read more

Why the Nation Needs to Do College Attainment Better

In-person in Washington D.C., or the event will be livestreamed for registered participants. As the national dialogue reflects concerns about the value of a college education, panelists will discuss how the nation can work to improve access to college, identify barriers to college completion, and target resources to some of these specific challenges.

Campus Compact Webinar on Housing Insecurity and Homelessness

This session will focus on supporting students from a Student Life perspective. Staff members in offices that support students, such as Financial Aid and Residential Life, are invited to participate. Access instructions below, you must use Zoom to join: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or Telephone: Dial: US: +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 ... Read more

We Are Progress: Turning Vision into Action

We Are Progress is a series of campus-based training sessions we have put together in key cities across the country to mobilize young people toward holding their elected leaders accountable into taking a proactive role in shaping the future of progressive policy on every level. In Columbus, Ohio we are helping train local Ohio activists – including many ... Read more

3rd Annual Town and Gown Summit

The Ohio Town & Gown Summit planning committee is happy to announce that the Session Topics have been posted on the the Town-Gown website. The sessions are centered on four main tracks: Sustainability, Public Health and Safety, Economic Development, and Neighborhood and Quality of Life. To see the full schedule, click here. Register before June 19 to get the early bird registration ... Read more

2018 Community Development Society National Conference

Take a Leading Role in a World Class Community Development Conference Get recognition for your work through our peer-review process and conference proceedings Connect with passionate peers and world renowned experts in community development Learn and share effective tools for helping communities engage and progress on their own terms