More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Big Data, and How It Can Solve the World’s Most Pressing Problems

DJ Patil is perhaps the most influential data scientist in the world. Having been appointed by President Obama as the very first U.S. Chief Data Scientist, he was tasked with making the largest organization in history--the U.S. Federal Government--a data-driven enterprise. Working directly with the highest ranking officials in government, DJ's efforts led to the ... Read more

University Junctions: Connecting writing and service-learning across campus

Part of the 2018-19 Campus Compact Webinar Series How can we connect writing and service-learning to achieve existing course goals like research, field-specific writing, and reflection in a way that will not bury instructors under a pile of grading? Our webinar will be interactive, so all participants are encouraged to come prepared with identified course ... Read more

Addressing the Challenges of Poverty Conference

This practitioners’ conference showcases best strategies and champions who are successful implementing the core aha! Process strategies as exemplified in the Bridges model and in communities, organizations, and individuals who use the work. This annual event focuses on bringing all parts of a community together to build sustainability in all sectors: schools, criminal justice, higher education, businesses, health ... Read more

Racial Equity Across College & High School: It’s about liberation & transformation, not diversity & inclusion

Part of the 2018-19 Campus Compact Webinar Series Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. What do these words actually mean for students, faculty, and staff of color who frequently feel excluded and marginalized? How can systems that weren’t built to educate students of color become places of belonging, liberation, and wholeness? This webinar will share real world examples and ... Read more

#RealCollege: A National Convening on Food and Housing Insecurity

Without sufficient food and a safe place to sleep, college students across the nation are struggling to learn. #RealCollege is the movement to do something about it. Join students, practitioners, policymakers, researchers and activists at the annual #RealCollege convening to develop strategies and take action to secure students’ basic needs. This year’s no-frills event will ... Read more

2018 Westheimer Peace Symposium: Social Justice and the Opioid Crisis

      Since 2016, Ohio has ranked 2nd in the nation for overdose deaths from opioids. Wilmington College will join together with area communities Oct. 2 in an effort to better understand this high rate of death through the 28th Westheimer Peace Symposium. The annual daylong program will look at the opioid crisis from a ... Read more

Values-Based Academic Leadership Institute

Tentative Agenda Conference Hotel: TRYP by Wyndham Maritime  Choose the dates: Arrival: 10/04/2018 or 10/05/2018  and departure: 10/06/2018 Use the code: 100418NAT Institute ​participants ​will ​explore ​the ​practices ​of ​a ​values ​driven ​leader, ​one ​who can produce transformative ​change ​by ​creating ​an ​environment ​of ​honesty, ​truth, ​and ​trust. Whereas ​other ​academic ​leadership ​development ​programs ​in ​higher ​education ​focus primarily ​on ​building ​management ​skills ​and ​acumen ​for ​the ​purpose ​of career advancement, ​the ​Values-Based Academic ​Leadership ​Institute ​does ​much ​more. ​ ​We take ​a ​holistic ​approach ​to ​all ​levels ​of ​academic ​leadership ​by ​grounding ​theory, ​practice, and ​institutional ​mission ​in ​personal ​and professional ​values ​to ​foster ​authentic, successful ​leadership.