More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Webinar: Civic Prompts in the Major: Disciplinary Knowledge, Democratic Culture, and the Public Good

AAC&U is pleased to announce the latest in a series of webinars that highlight the work being done at colleges and universities to address challenges and identify best practices for enhancing the teaching and learning experience and demonstrating the value of liberal education for work, life, and global citizenship. Most students have substantial exposure to ... Read more

Imagining America 2018 National Conference

Imagining America 2018 National Conference FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CHICAGO – Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life and Illinois Humanities are pleased to announce that Imagining America’s 2018 National Conference will be held October 19-21 in Chicago, Illinois. The two organizations will work with local institutions and leaders in organizing this annual event. “Imagining ... Read more

2018 Assessment Institute

The Assessment Institute in Indianapolis is the nation’s oldest and largest event focused exclusively on outcomes assessment in higher education. We anticipate that some 1000 educators from virtually every state and several other countries will take part in the 2018 Institute. The Assessment Institute in Indianapolis is designed to provide opportunities for (1) individuals and ... Read more

Labor Trafficking Conference

Hosted by: The Bakhita Empowerment Initiative, a Catholic Charities of Louisville program to Combat Human Trafficking The Southeast Regional Human Trafficking Advisory Group, an initiative of the Administration for Children and Families Region 4 Office Wednesday, October 24 & Thursday, October 25, 2018 The Galt House, Louisville, KY Click here for the Labor Trafficking Conference agenda and workshop ... Read more

8th National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation

NCDD2018: Connecting and Strengthening Civic Innovators So much of our political environment is rife with partisan rancor. Our communities are struggling with crisis after crisis. These and other factors have people across the country yearning for the ability to listen to one another with more understanding and civility, to work more effectively across differences, and ... Read more

Bridges Out of Poverty Trainer Certification

This workshop prepares individuals to present the information from Bridges Out of Poverty to individuals in their own organizations. The training includes in-depth work on the Bridges Out of Poverty (Day One) and Applying Bridges Concepts (Day Two) workshop. Comprehensive research and training materials are provided. Need help meeting your prerequisite? Use the discount code ... Read more

2018 Ohio Conference on Service and Volunteerism

Leveling Up: From Striving To Thriving #ServeOhio2018 Registration opens September 19. Now Requesting Workshop Proposals! The Conference Planning Committee is seeking proposals for workshops at the 2018 Ohio Conference on Service and Volunteerism. Please thoroughly read the Request For Proposals Guidelines and Guide to Writing Effective Proposals documents before completing the Request For Proposal Form. Presenters will receive complimentary registration ... Read more