More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Webinar: Ohio State University Extension: Opportunities for Higher Education Partnerships

OSU Extension works in four major program areas: family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, community development, and agriculture and natural resources.  Many Ohio colleges and universities work to address these same areas through community-engaged teaching, research, and partnerships.  In this webinar representatives from OSU Extension will share information on Extension’s mission; show Extension’s impact ... Read more

Emotional Poverty: How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, and Avoidance in the Classroom

Address emotional poverty and build emotional wealth in your students. The workshop: Provides understandings of origins of anger, anxiety, and avoidance Gives a language to talk about brain regulation, integration, and emotional competence Provides tools for educators to address and reduce anger, anxiety, and avoidance Helps educators manage the “classroom dance” that occurs between the ... Read more

Students and Spirituality: Student motivation to do good

Part of the 2018-19 Campus Compact Webinar Series This webinar is an opportunity for Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) and Campus Compact to explore the intersection of faith and service as it relates to student motivation to engage in civic engagement. Dr. Janett Cordovés will introduce the work of IFYC and research they have done around ... Read more

Transformational Intergroup Dialogue Workshop and Facilitation Trainings

Transformational Intergroup Dialogue Facilitation is  a three-part series designed to help practitioners create effective spaces for learning and authentic engagement across differences based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, religion, ability and sexual orientation.  Transformational Intergroup Dialogue is a social justice education approach which promotes intergroup cooperation and understanding through dialogue. Trainings have been offered in various settings across the United ... Read more

Emotional Poverty: How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, and Avoidance in the Classroom

Address emotional poverty and build emotional wealth in your students. This workshop will be held at the Harper Center Auditorium at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. The workshop: Provides understandings of origins of anger, anxiety, and avoidance Gives a language to talk about brain regulation, integration, and emotional competence Provides tools for educators to address and reduce ... Read more

Going Beyond Rubrics: The Impact of Community Engagement on Our Campuses

As part of Campus Compact for Southern New England's four-part series on Civic & Community Engagement, this workshop, hosted at MCPHS, will focus on strategies for evaluating the impact of civic engagement initiatives on your institution including policies, practices, and institutional mission and culture. The workshop has the following overall goals: to examine the ways in which we ... Read more

2019 Civic Action Planning and Implementation Institute

This event is designed for campus teams to come together and work on creating and implementing strong Civic Action Plans. Teams can include individuals from across campus and beyond including faculty, staff, administrators, students and community partners. We also recommend engaging leaders from across campus including faculty, staff from a variety of areas (diversity, ministry, teaching ... Read more

ACE West Winter Summit: Tackling the Mental Health Crisis on American Campuses

Eleven percent of college students seriously thought about attempting suicide in the past year. Of this percentage, one in 20 made a plan to carry it out. Three out of 10 college students have struggled with depression in the last two weeks. One in 4 students have expressed issues with anxiety.​ These sobering statistics remind us ... Read more

ACE/AIEA Internationalization Collaborative 2019: Preparing for Tomorrow’s Student

What will be the future of internationalization in higher education? In the United States, student enrollment is reflecting more than ever a diversity of student identities and life stages —students of color, adult learners, single parents, veterans, first-generation immigrants, and international students. How can U.S. colleges and universities recognize the complexity of their student body ... Read more