More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Making the Most of Good Work: The Intersection of Community-Engaged Learning and Career Readiness

Making the Most of Good Work: The Intersection of Community-Engaged Learning and Career Readiness Tuesday, December 7th from 3:30-5:15 PM (EST) Maine Campus Compact is pleased to host Making the Most of Good Work, a free virtual seminar for faculty, community-engagement officers, and career services professionals in higher education who are interested in discussing how ... Read more

Faculty Development Workshop on Addressing Climate Change and Food Insecurity

Presented by Maine Campus Compact's Campuses for Environmental Stewardship (CES) program         Join Us for a Free Faculty Development Training! With our planet in crisis and communities being impacted by growing challenges, higher education is called to action to take the lead in addressing two of the world’s most pressing social issues: Climate ... Read more

COMPACT22 A Better Way Forward: Innovation with Equity at the Center

Compact22 is Campus Compact's all-virtual 2022 national conference. It is the largest and most inclusive national conference focused on the role of higher education in building healthy communities and fostering a just and equal democracy.

2022 Annual Meeting – Cultivating Change and Sense of Belonging on Campus: The Future of Community and Civic Engagement.

Ohio Campus Compact’s Annual Meeting is being held on Thursday, August 4th, 2022. This year’s event will be located at The Blackwell Inn & Pfahl Conference Center on The Ohio State University campus. Our theme is “Cultivating Change and Sense of Belonging on Campus: The Future of Community and Civic Engagement.” The OCC Annual Meeting offers ... Read more

Organization Development for an Engaged Campus: Assessing Narratives and Architecture to Direct Future Change

At the intersection of the fields of engagement and organization development lie the strategies, structures, and processes of community-engaged praxis. This qualitative inquiry focused on the experiences of community engagement professionals at an urban, state-related research university. This study provided an understanding of the activities that contribute to the institutionalization of engagement through the lens ... Read more

OCC AmeriCorps Information Session

Learn more about Ohio Campus Compact's host site opportunity for the 2023-2024 Student Resource Center AmeriCorps program.           Register here.

Adaptation Across the Higher Ed Landscape

  Many colleges and universities of all types face an array of challenges and pressures: flattening/declining enrollments, stagnating revenues at a time of continually rising costs, the end of federal recovery funds, employee turnover, escalating doubts about the ROI of going to college, growing accountability to ensure student success, and more. In response to those ... Read more

Spring 2023 Community Building Institute

The Community Building Institute is a foundational webinar series that prepares early-career public professionals, and aspiring changemakers of all kinds, to address community needs in a responsible, equitable, and inclusive manner by centering the voices of community stakeholders. This is accomplished by educating participants on the six-step community building cycle.

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