More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC) Conference

This is Engagement: Best Practices in Community-Engaged Scholarship Conference Theme The 2017 meeting of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium in Birmingham, Alabama on September 26th and 27th will explore “Best Practices in Community Engaged Scholarship” across disciplines, communities, and geography.

JuST 2017

The nation's leading conference on juvenile sex trafficking. This unforgettable and inspiring conference features today’s most pressing issues in the anti-trafficking field. Presentations and workshops focus on skill-building, survivor experiences, cross-discipline collaboration, task force development, case studies and lessons learned. The JuST Conference continues to stand by the motto that each person has a role to play in preventing ... Read more

IMPACT National Conference

The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest national gathering of student leaders, administrators, faculty, and nonprofit staff committed to engaging students in service, activism, politics, advocacy, and other socially responsible work. This event continues and builds on the legacy of the COOL National Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, spanning an incredible 32+ year history.

Ripple Effects Mapping Webinar

Are you looking for a great way to document the impacts of your community engagement efforts? Ripple Effects Mapping (REM) uses elements of Appreciative Inquiry, mind mapping, and qualitative data analysis to engage program participants to reflect upon and map the intended and unintended changes produced by a complex program or collaboration. Scott Chazdon, an evaluator ... Read more

The Agora Project Webinar

CCMW invites you to join us for the March 2018 Agora Project conversation. The Agora Project is a space for conversations that begin with a single question to explore. We'll learn from one another, encourage different ways of thinking about a question, and deepen our work through dialogue with one another. Anyone is welcome to ... Read more

Engaging Immigrant Communities Webinar

Description: Immigration is a national hot topic. During this webinar members of the Cal State East Bay community will share the responsive programs they created to engage the immigrant community and develop positive relationships across difference. In 2014, when a surge in the number of unaccompanied minors immigrating to the United States from Central America ... Read more