More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Cambio de Colores

Cambio de Colores is a multistate conference about integration of immigrants in new destinations. People from various fields who work with Latinos and immigrant communities come together to share research and best practices that facilitate the integration of newcomers.

3rd Annual Town and Gown Summit

The Ohio Town & Gown Summit planning committee is happy to announce that the Session Topics have been posted on the the Town-Gown website. The sessions are centered on four main tracks: Sustainability, Public Health and Safety, Economic Development, and Neighborhood and Quality of Life. To see the full schedule, click here. Register before June 19 to get the early bird registration ... Read more

Values-Based Academic Leadership Institute

Tentative Agenda Conference Hotel: TRYP by Wyndham Maritime  Choose the dates: Arrival: 10/04/2018 or 10/05/2018  and departure: 10/06/2018 Use the code: 100418NAT Institute ​participants ​will ​explore ​the ​practices ​of ​a ​values ​driven ​leader, ​one ​who can produce transformative ​change ​by ​creating ​an ​environment ​of ​honesty, ​truth, ​and ​trust. Whereas ​other ​academic ​leadership ​development ​programs ​in ​higher ​education ​focus primarily ​on ​building ​management ​skills ​and ​acumen ​for ​the ​purpose ​of career advancement, ​the ​Values-Based Academic ​Leadership ​Institute ​does ​much ​more. ​ ​We take ​a ​holistic ​approach ​to ​all ​levels ​of ​academic ​leadership ​by ​grounding ​theory, ​practice, and ​institutional ​mission ​in ​personal ​and professional ​values ​to ​foster ​authentic, successful ​leadership.

Imagining America 2018 National Conference

Imagining America 2018 National Conference FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CHICAGO – Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life and Illinois Humanities are pleased to announce that Imagining America’s 2018 National Conference will be held October 19-21 in Chicago, Illinois. The two organizations will work with local institutions and leaders in organizing this annual event. “Imagining ... Read more

8th National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation

NCDD2018: Connecting and Strengthening Civic Innovators So much of our political environment is rife with partisan rancor. Our communities are struggling with crisis after crisis. These and other factors have people across the country yearning for the ability to listen to one another with more understanding and civility, to work more effectively across differences, and ... Read more

Bridges Out of Poverty Trainer Certification

This workshop prepares individuals to present the information from Bridges Out of Poverty to individuals in their own organizations. The training includes in-depth work on the Bridges Out of Poverty (Day One) and Applying Bridges Concepts (Day Two) workshop. Comprehensive research and training materials are provided. Need help meeting your prerequisite? Use the discount code ... Read more

Transformational Intergroup Dialogue Workshop and Facilitation Trainings

Transformational Intergroup Dialogue Facilitation is  a three-part series designed to help practitioners create effective spaces for learning and authentic engagement across differences based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, religion, ability and sexual orientation.  Transformational Intergroup Dialogue is a social justice education approach which promotes intergroup cooperation and understanding through dialogue. Trainings have been offered in various settings across the United ... Read more

Emotional Poverty: How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, and Avoidance in the Classroom

This workshop is being held at the CRG Event Center. Address emotional poverty and build emotional wealth in your students. The workshop: Provides understandings of origins of anger, anxiety, and avoidance Gives a language to talk about brain regulation, integration, and emotional competence Provides tools for educators to address and reduce anger, anxiety, and avoidance Helps ... Read more

Eastern Region Campus Compact Biennial Conference

Education for Democracy: Innovating in Complex Times The ERCC conference aims to showcase practices advancing the field of community and civic engagement.  Through a mix of session topics and formats, networking opportunities, and a variety of speakers, ERCC conference participants will explore key topics related to community-engaged scholarship, learning that promotes civic & democratic engagement, ... Read more