More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Webinar: Ohio State University Extension: Opportunities for Higher Education Partnerships

OSU Extension works in four major program areas: family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, community development, and agriculture and natural resources.  Many Ohio colleges and universities work to address these same areas through community-engaged teaching, research, and partnerships.  In this webinar representatives from OSU Extension will share information on Extension’s mission; show Extension’s impact ... Read more

2019 Midwest Campus Compact Conference

Save the Date: 2019 Midwest Campus Compact Conference Proposals now open! Due February 8. Join us in Minnesota May 30-31, 2019 for our next regional conference for networking, learning, and building the field of community engagement in higher education. Registration opens Winter 2019. Check out the conference website. The 2019 Midwest Campus Compact Conference is a collaboration between: Campus ... Read more