More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Post-Election Resource Hub

Campus Election Engagement Project’s Self Care During Campaign Season video

Civic Alliance Election and Post Election Guide – includes messaging for social media

How Faculty Can Prepare to Handle the Post-Election Classroom By Nancy Thomas, Tufts University and Cazembe Kennedy, Clemson University

Preparing to Teach About the Election and After: Faculty Resources

Self Care and Activism Slidedeck

SLSV Post-Election Campus Resource and Response Guide

Discussion Guides:

NIFI Issue Guides
NIFI’s A House Divided – focused on dealing with the problem of partisanship
Student Dialogue Week
Campus Compact Dialogue Resources
Living Room Conversation Guides – focused on “healing divides”
CEEP Resources
The Road Ahead- Processing the 2020 Election with Your Classes
Post-Election Online Announcements for faculty to use in online classes
Common Questions After Election Day- A Student Guide

Post-Election/Campus Closure Planning

Last Thursday, the SLSV Coalition’s Resource and Support Working Group and the Ask Every Student program hosted a webinar to share resources and best practices to prepare campus stakeholders and student voting nonprofits to plan for a post-election period, framed by the Post-Election Campus Resource and Response Guide. We’re happy to not only share the recording, but also supplemental resources on the Post-Election Resources page on the AES website. On this page you can find:

Additionally, Nancy Thomas from the IDHE and Bridget Trodgen from Clemson University pulled together a short paper on “How Faculty can Prepare to Handle the Post-Election Classroom”

The SLSV Coalition is also proud to be a founding partner in the Election Trust Project, a new initiative from the National Conference on Citizenship designed to empower Americans by deepening trust in this year’s election process, and inspiring them to feel confidence in the election process in their communities—as this election season reaches its conclusion. Click here to visit the website and find helpful messaging and resources. 

Further, don’t forget about the “Preparing to Support Student Voters in the Event of a Campus Closure” toolkit that we designed to address any pandemic-related challenges that campuses may experience this Fall.

**Resources curated by Ohio Campus Compact

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