More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Latest Past Events

ACE/AIEA Internationalization Collaborative 2019: Preparing for Tomorrow’s Student

What will be the future of internationalization in higher education? In the United States, student enrollment is reflecting more than ever a diversity of student identities and life stages —students of color, adult learners, single parents, veterans, first-generation immigrants, and international students. How can U.S. colleges and universities recognize the complexity of their student body ... Read more

2019 Civic Action Planning and Implementation Institute

This event is designed for campus teams to come together and work on creating and implementing strong Civic Action Plans. Teams can include individuals from across campus and beyond including faculty, staff, administrators, students and community partners. We also recommend engaging leaders from across campus including faculty, staff from a variety of areas (diversity, ministry, teaching ... Read more

ACE West Winter Summit: Tackling the Mental Health Crisis on American Campuses

Eleven percent of college students seriously thought about attempting suicide in the past year. Of this percentage, one in 20 made a plan to carry it out. Three out of 10 college students have struggled with depression in the last two weeks. One in 4 students have expressed issues with anxiety.​ These sobering statistics remind us ... Read more